About us

Our mission is to bring combat athletes the most effective, highest quality, natural remedies to prevent skin problems such as ringworm, staph and herpes.

We do this by producing the best martial arts soaps, shower gels and wipes available in the world. These products will keep so safe during and after your Jiu Jitsu, MMA, Judo or Wrestling training.

Our products have been developed over years and are made of highly effective ingredients. For our active ingredients, we use only 100% natural essential oils —with absolutely no alcohol, Triclosan or artificial perfumes.  

DefenseSoap.eu makes the full assortment of Defense Soap products available for European consumers. All our products are produced in and imported from the United States.

DefenseSoap.eu ships to any European destination. If you are from the United Kingdom or Ireland however, you can order from our UK online store, at http://www.defensesoapuk.com/


Offense wins matches. Defense keeps you on the mat.